Sunday, October 30, 2016

#Inktober 2016

I took another stab at #inktober this year, drawing a new picture for each day of the month, and didn't get as much drawing done as I wanted, but here are the top three most liked and commented on images I uploaded to Instagram and Facebook.  Far and away was my imaginary West Coast Avengers cover, which harkens back to my childhood desire to draw the covers of comic books I wished existed.

Friday, October 28, 2016

She Saw My Silver Spurs, And Said Let's Pass Some Time

This post first appeared, in a slightly different form, in my e-newsletter I WAS BIGFOOT'S SHEMP, which you can subscribe to in the sidebar.

Yesterday a movie I wrote, CALAMITY JANE'S REVENGE, streeted everywhere across America, including Amazon, Best Buy, Family Video, FYE, and anywhere fine DVDs are sold.  As I grow older I live in quieter and quieter places, but I still have a tradition of driving around and looking for my movies in the wild.  When it happens, like a rare animal sighting, it's a cool feeling.

I checked out the Family Video in Richmond, Indiana, and there it was.  I was hopeful, as they also, once upon a time, had JURASSIC PREY and AMITYVILLE DEATH HOUSE.

If you see it anywhere across America, give me a shout.

When I got up this morning, it was at #215 in DVD Western sales on Amazon, charting pretty high for a first day.

If you want to hear the "Secret Soundtrack" for the movie that I composed in my head while writing it, look here.

A faithful newsletter reader suggested I watch more of the Comet channel, which comes to me free over my towering TV aerial in my little country home.  Not only do I enjoy watching it, I wish I was programming it myself, as it seems to be sending a lot of deep signals from the collective unconscious of nerds everywhere.

My September entry for my Book Club is AN ASSIMILATED CUBAN'S GUIDE TO QUANTUM SANTERIA by Carlos Hernandez.  It is a pretty cool collection of sci-fi and fantasy short stories, including everything from robot pandas to ghosts living in fake teeth and old pianos. The hook as seen in the title is that some element of the stories, and many of the characters, reflect the Cuban experience.  But the stories are pretty cool whether that is an element or not.  Best of all, the collection convinced me to try Cafe Bustelo, which I now swear by.

Speaking of coffee, I got to spend a few days in Seattle, where it rains all the time just like in THE KILLING, but all the coffee shops and used bookstores take the edge off.

I hope you all are enjoying your fall.