Happy Halloween, all. If you haven't picked a movie for tonight, you can find several I have worked on, on various platforms, for free.
THE GIRL IN THE CRAWLSPACE (writer/director): https://tubitv.com/movies/512259/the-girl-in-the-crawlspace?start=true
SCARECROW COUNTY (writer/director): https://www.amazon.com/Scarecrow-County-Iabou-Windimere/dp/B096VR4G62/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=scarecrow+county&qid=1633130749&sr=8-2
AMITYVILLE ISLAND (writer): https://tubitv.com/movies/566011/amityville-island?start=true
SHARK ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND (writer): https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B08HMVS445/ref=atv_sr_def_c_unkc__24_1_4?sr=1-24&pageTypeIdSource=ASIN&pageTypeId=B08HMX1KGV&qid=1633130933
JURASSIC PREY (writer): https://tubitv.com/movies/525848/jurassic-prey?start=true
RAZORTEETH (writer): https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B08W8DHVHX/ref=atv_sr_def_c_unkc__8_1_8?sr=1-8&pageTypeIdSource=ASIN&pageTypeId=B08W8Q94W6&qid=1633130872
PETER ROTTENTAIL (writer): https://tubitv.com/movies/581566/peter-rottentail?start=true
Bonus movie I wrote if you don't like scary movies, CALAMITY JANE'S REVENGE: https://tubitv.com/movies/455264/calamity-jane-s-revenge?start=true
For my own viewing, I didn't get to see a lot of new ones, but I did finally face my childhood fears and watch
PHANTASM. When I was a teenager, my friend Eric Mayse (who would later, famously, be sculpted as
this action figure), described the plot to be in such a way that I was too terrified to watch it. And that was a terrible oversight, as it is a crazy, dream-like film that would have appealed to my teenage sensibilities back in the 80s.
Along those lines I also watched
CENSOR, which is about a British censor in the early 80s watching "video nasties" and recommending cuts, even as her personal life starts to unravel.
And even more along those lines, my old b-movie pal thought I would like
BEYOND THE BLACK RAINBOW, and he was right, a movie set in the 80s about a young psychic being held prisoner in a weird institute.
So if you like my movies, any of these three are worth a look.
A movie I wrote, NOAH'S SHARK, is supposed to street next week, so I will report back when I see it, though I assume it is crazy. My good friends at Film Scene screened it a few weeks ago, but I unfortunately had car trouble on that very day and couldn't make it. I would have liked to have known how it played.
Have a good Halloween!