Sunday, February 26, 2006

Bigfoot Redux

Flattened with a cold this week and finally bubbling clear-headed to the surface.

AMONG US invades Canada, airing right after the Cheryl Ladd/Kris Kristofferson sci-fi actioner MILLENNIUM (Link courtesy my Canadian pal Jamie Lisk ). John Varley's book was better, but Cheryl Ladd is lookin' good.

Speaking of Bigfoot, I'm ahead of the curve once again (Link courtesy Christopher Sharpe). I wonder who has the Malaysian rights to AMONG US?

Give me a shout at

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Oh, No--There Goes Tokyo

My Bigfoot opus AMONG US now has a Japanese distributor. They send us RINGU, we send them AMONG US. Let there be peace in the world.

If you ever wondered what it was like growing up in America's Hometown, Muncie Indiana, these dudes will tell you what's up. (Language NSFW)

I wonder if somebody will hook me up with one of these.

I have finished up two new issues of my wobbly comic book zine VOLUNTEERS, soon to be appearing in mailboxes and comic shop files and rubbish bins across this great land. Write to me for yours, if you wanna.

Give me a shout at

Friday, February 17, 2006

The Ladies of Sex Machine

Some more promo art from "Sex Machine" by Christopher Sharpe, poached from his site. Chris keeps telling me I'm going to get a DVD copy soon. The writer is always the last bastard on the list.

Give me a shout at

Sunday, February 12, 2006

By Carrier Pigeon

I have been posting slowly lately in the winter doldrums, but I did learn that Black Mass will get picked up by a distributor; more info later.

I have been way behind on screeners for Microcinema Scene, so I sat down over the last two weekends and watched about a dozen submissions. And many of them were good, to my great relief. Check out my reviews of them on the site over the next few weeks.

The site for Microcinema Fest 2006 has been updated; check it out for new info on this great fest.

A local high school, recognizing a cool mofo when they see one, asked me to write a short script for a special project for an advanced AV class. It was nice to be asked, and I finished the first draft of I KILLED BILL SHAKESPEARE tonight. I gave it to my seventeen-year-old to read for accuracy in terms of the high school milieu before I deliver it tomorrow. It was a nice little exercise and I hope that warmed me up for a new year of writing.

Give me a shout at

Monday, February 06, 2006

News of the World

The people of Germany wonder about Sex Machine here (link poached from Christopher Sharpe).

I vowed not to watch the Super Bowl when the Colts were knocked out of it but backslid and watched some anyway; and got what I deserved, a pretty blah game. And I don't remember any of the commercials.

Is finding out your daughter is on MySpace, and then reading her blog without telling her, then reading everything all of her friends have posted, as bad as reading a diary?

What about if you tell your daughter that a certain boy can only go out with her if he comes over to the house and beats me in Axis and Allies?

There are too many questions and not enough answers. Give me a shout at