Thursday, September 09, 2004

Lair of the Beast Men

A great update on Christopher Sharpe's SEX MACHINE over at his journal, here.

I would like to say that I fell silent these last few days because of overwork but it's more because for the first time in a long while I don't have a new project in the hopper. People always say about screenwriting, "well, it's feast or famine," but notice how most people mention that when it's feast instead of when it's famine. Nobody wants to draw attention to themselves when it's famine.

So I got a GPS for my birthday from my wife and tested it while camping with her family. All the guys thought it was great and all the girls wondered why you couldn't just look at a map.

And I am getting a new driveway poured, and I am watching a lot of a great show called Freaks and Geeks on DVD via Netflix, and I read a good Avengers storyline borrowed from my pal Doug called "The Red Zone" which takes place around Mt. Rushmore where I recently visited with my pals from Microcinema Fest, and I had a prostate exam this morning.

Now faithful readers are caught up on everything, except that I started a new spec script about superheroes, another one like the Shakespeare adaptation that I've wanted to write for a while, but hopefully this one won't be met with a roaring tsunami of indifference. Though it probably will.

Give me a shout at


The Furnace said...

I told you - it's not indifference, I just have trouble with all those old funny names. Me brain no good work.

John Oak Dalton said...
