Thursday, April 29, 2004

Hammer and Nail

I didn't write yesterday because my butt hurt.

When I was taking down the backyard fence this weekend, a large rusty nail nipped at my hip, but despite the blood and torn jeans I decided it didn't dig in too far. Though later common sense got the best of me and off I went to get a tetanus update, right in the left cheek.

On an upbeat note, the new Dark Horse Conan comic is really, really good.

Someone found my blog by, unbelievably, typing in "water ride pictures swimsuit."

I've been talking and emailing with the Polonia Brothers on a new potential project that is sure to raise a few eyebrows in the microcinema community if it ends up taking off.

Here's a funny "Geek Test" if you like this kind of thing. I only came it at 27%, surprisingly enough. But I had some friends clock in from 45-55%, which prompted by daughter to note that if you hang with nerds, you are a nerd.

Give me a shout at

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