Tuesday, July 06, 2004


My wife and I had a nice getaway weekend at Brown County State Park, a lovely spot in Southern Indiana, staying at the Abe Martin Inn; tempting fate, as a visit there twelve years ago on the night of our fifth wedding anniversary ended up in a trip to the emergency room in nearby Columbus, and a doctor telling me "Wow, that's the first life or death surgery I ever had." Even though we were initially chilled by seeing the SAME GUY working at the front desk, we enjoyed horseback riding, hiking, et al, and if you want to be jealous of my go-go Hollywood lifestyle, then all you have to do is follow this link to see where we ate dinner, one of the top five dinners I have had in my life, and I have not been known to miss many fine dinners. I had a bison steak. A nice recharge for the days ahead, and hopefully a new bout of creative energy.

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