Monday, May 24, 2004

Hercules Against the Moon Men

So I was driving to a funeral for the second Sunday in a row and the weather was terrible. I got to Ossian, Indiana, and there was power out and trees down all over. I couldn't help but remember I wrote in my blog about my first grade teacher Mrs. Miller, then saw her, then wrote about my old friend Matt Booty, then got an email from him, then wrote about tornadoes in Indiana and---thankfully, nothing. Still a wild ride, though.

A lot of hits this weekend (though my counter looks broken on the site for some reason, I can read it behind the scenes), including people searching for:

slynus son of a monk

esme salinger lass

the enemy of gem and the holograms

and most alarmingly

moms spank kids bare asses over here knees

Why do I get so many spanking hits, anyway?

Disaster at every turn today; hope to write more tomorrow. Until then, give me a shout at

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